
 All music on this website is the sole property of the artists. The music used was paid for from I tunes as well as Any attempt at trying to download the music from this site will be reported and pursued to the full extent of the United States Copyright laws.

  Battlefield 3 refference and Battle Log are the sole property of Dice and EA Games we are in no way affiliated with either entity nor are we indorsed by either.

 M.A.G. is the sole property of Zipper Interactive we are in no way affiliated with Zipper Interactive nor are we indorsed by them.

 Use of the Battlefield 3 logo and M.A.G. logo are under permission of there respected owners.


White Knight Chronicles II Is the sole Property of D3P publishing and Level 5, we are in no way affiliated or indorsed by them. Use of the White Knight Chronoicles II Logo is under permission of the respected owners.

Defiance is the sole property of Trion Worlds, we are in no way affiliated with nor indorsed by them. The Defiance Logo and Name are used under permission of there respected owners.

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